I thought that things would look up when I started working but of course no such luck. Instead, I found myself juggling work, school, and children. I was left feeling like a single mother! Also because of me working the family decided that they no longer had to spend all of their money of bills or food (which left me paying half the rent and all the food with my $500-$700 paycheck a month). I had no money for myself.
I decided that things would obviously have to change. I need to move out before I start summer classes at Macomb Community College (MCC). Unfortunately, the job that I have is temporary so I need to find another one and an apartment soon. I started actively looking in March. At first I only looked online (due to health reasons). The final week in March I bravely took the bus (for the first time alone) and traveled as far out as Macomb and Mt. Clemens. The jobs that were "available" of course said that I did not have enough experience (but really how much experience do you need to flip burgers or sale something).
To make matters worse I received bills for the doctor and emergency visits before my surgery (while at SVU), the surgery, and post op care totaling $3000! Double whammy- still no job which means I cannot pay the bills nor get an apartment
Then I thought, something will happen just focus on MCC. I did the placement test and orientation and I met with an advisor. How hard could it be. I am only here until January. But just when I thought things would get better, today I received a nice letter in the mail saying that I cannot receive financial aid because I either applied (for financial aid) too late or I did not register for classes. I forgot to register at my allotted date (April 4) because thanks to my parents not paying the cable/ Internet bill the Internet/cable got shut off. I was working from the library but I forgot to register. I finally registered April 7th (just 3 days late). As far as filing my Fafsa, I filed back in January but the school sent me a letter (4 days after MCC said the deadline was) asking my mother to verify her income. We sent it out the next day after receiving the letter. But now they said that everything was late.
I MUST take summer classes in order to not have to pay on my loans. If I do not get a job I cannot pay my loans. How am I going to pay if I don't have money? How am I going to pay for classes if I don't have money? How am I going to get an apartment if I don't have money?
I just don't understand why I am always having issues that are not that easy to solve.