1. I learned that this work is not about me. I am just the vessel and the tool but Heavenly Father is the miracle worker. I do not know these people yet He does. He knows their name and their character. He knows who is ready to hear the gospel and who is not. He knows what to say for them to become interested in the Gospel. He knows what their fears are and how to help them. He knows what they need. I do not know any of these things. However, God has given me the Holy Ghost to direct me and to tell me all of these things. No matter how much I may look at myself and say that I have accomplished this or that, I haven't, Heavenly Father has through me.
2. I have learned what the miracle of the Atonement truly is. I am not perfect. The truth is no one is. The purpose of missionary work is to get everyone to partake of the Atonement. To know Christ and what He did and why He did it. He Atoned for us so that we all can have the opportunity to repent, which means change, and become more like Him. As I have served I have gotten to see my weaknesses which has allowed for me to go to Christ and beg for the Atonement to strengthen those things that I lack. A very wise person told me that the missionary name tag gives me the license to do things that I would not do... such as talk to complete strangers, be happy and perky all of the time, to invite members to give us referrals, etc. I have gotten to do those things and it is only through the Atonement that I can be a better person than I ever have been. President has said that there is no comfort is change and there is no change is comfort. That is so true. Each transfer I have changed in something and I tell you that none of that change has come easy. But as I exercise my faith in the Savior, He has strengthened me to change.
3. I have learned the importance of not looking back. With the mission change I catch myself either comparing President Wilson to President Riggs or comparing my current area to previous areas and each time that I do it leaves me frustrated or angry that I am in the Virginia Richmond Mission. I would think about what I have done wrong to be placed here instead of thinking of the blessings that have come as a result. In the past few weeks as I talk to members and they remind me that I am leaving I reflect on my mission goals and my mission constitution and why I came out here. And I realize how blessed I have really been. I think about how much I love Sister Hammond and how she has helped me and I think about the sisters that I am over and how I have been a blessing to them and they to me. I think about the members and how much I love them. Last night, while talking to Sister Hammond I realized that there is not other place that I'd rather be than serving along side her. Had you asked six months ago if I would love the Virginia Richmond Mission I would say NO but ask me now and I'd say that I love it more than anyone could ever know. This is where I learned that trusting in God means giving up your will and letting Him take control. I am so grateful for the scriptures that teach of Lot's wife and Laman and Lemuel who spent their entire lives murmuring and prideful.