Monday, January 26, 2009

My first half (before,11:25am,1pm,2pm, and end)

BEFORE(how my brain works)

I am so scared. What if I fell? I can always take it again. Stop worrying Diamond. You are going to do great. Am I going to be in a classroom by myself? What is the instructor like? Will I have a break in between the portions? What portions am I taking today? Am I going to take math? What if I fell. I can always take it again. What about my ACT's. That's to far in advance. What if I fell. Dad are we lost? I told you that you should have did it the way map quest said, but no you had to go on 75 when they said 95. Dad admit it you are lost. We are going to be late. They said if you come after 8:40 you won't take the test. Dad it is 8:30. IT'S RIGHT THERE!


It wasn't that hard. But it did take me too long to finish it, because there was soo many paragraphs and charts that I have to read. I need to read faster. I wish I had some money to buy something do drink I am thirsty. We have to wait 25minutes before we do the next portion. I am sitting here bored out of my mind. I have nothing to do. I think I got most of the questions right. I only had to guess on 5.

1pm(social studies)

I just finished. It wasn't that difficult. The cool part is that I really studied hard on the s.s. and science. I had seen most of the problems before (not the exact same way but a lot like it). It is so cool to see the things I studied and conquer it. We have a 10min break before our final portion. I hope I pass. DIAMOND you can take it again. Stop yelling at yourself. Are you going crazy?


I just finished the reading portion. It was like I imagined it. On the GED practice I got 32 right and 8wrong. I hope I did better on the real test. The guesses that I made seemed rational to me. I am starving. You should have done what everyone told you and had a nice breakfast. I am so thirsty. In this big building you mean to tell me you couldn't have a water fountain put in.

THREE WEEKS! you have to be kidding me. Great now I have 3weeks worth of worrying. I have to pass in order to worry about my ACT's and college. This is going to be fun. Tomorrow I do math and writing. I hope the essay part is something I know about. It better not have anything to do with President Obama or I swear I will scream. Shut up Diamond.

I want to take this time and space and say thank you to everyone. It is so nice to actually get up and be happy. I talked to my mom yesterday and she told me that she was proud of me. Really proud of me. she and I both did not think that I would be getting ready to enter college. I may not go this year, but I definitely will next year.
I was so depressed growing up that we thought it was impossible for me to do anything other than stay glued to my room. I wake up with enthusiasm. Even when my family goes through drama I still know that I am a child of God and He wouldn't put me through things he feels I can't work out.
I got a blessing from Mike and all 8 missionaries. Then I got an extra dose of faith when I attended the fireside and I also fasted. It is so great to be apart of this family. I love it here. You guys have no idea how much I love and appreciate every single one of you. When I first entered the church I knew that it was a family. And I am blessed everyday even when we bicker quietly.
I can't wait to get my patriarchal blessing and go on a mission. I have never been this happy about leaving for a year and a half. Not once have I worried about it.............until now.
I should stop now this is going to be a long blog.
Wait...Mike thank you. I know you probably thought I was a nut job. I couldn't have done this without you. You believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself. I am so glad that I found you and this church because I have no idea where I would be without "my other family." Do you think I have a real shot at going to BYU?
Okay that's it no more writing.


beth said...

Congrats Diamond for finishing part one! It's so exciting you're challenging yourself so much. I know you'll do great.

I didn't meet you until just a few months ago, and I really can't even picture you being the way you described yourself before. You are an amazing person and I'm glad I got to meet you.

The Kalcichs said...

I was thinking about you all day! Sounds like you're doing great. You should be so proud of yourself!

Hallie Owens said...

Diamond, It was great having your parents over. We enjoyed their company. Your mom is very proud of you and you should be proud of yourself. You have worked very hard and we know you will succed. All our love!

Aimee said...

Congratulations! It sounds like an emotional roller-coaster, but it will be very worth it. Way to go!

Diamond Evans said...

Thanks you guys you are so nice to me.