Since I had to cut off most of my hair, I was very happy when my mom came home with this black wig for me to wear. I am extremely self conscience and so I was very sad having to cut off my hair and wear a scarf to church or any place else. The wig is black with annoying bangs and it is comes to right above my neck. It is cute though and very easy to manage. I don't have to do anything other than brush it and pull the bangs away from my eyes.
People were nice to me at church saying that my hair was pretty. I felt really special. At church I also got a calling to be a nursery teacher. I was really happy. After church I got a setting apart ( a blessing for my calling). It was nice. I was a little sad not being in Seminary but it is nice having a calling, that means that someone believes that I am great for the job of caring for little children. I am however nervous about teaching. Even though the kids do not know what I am saying, I still do not want to mess up.
I also got a calling as a visiting teacher. I know that will be fun.
I have applied to SVU, but I did not know that even though I have a GED I still have to give them my high school transcripts. Even though they day that they look at other things I am scared because I did horrible in high school. Seriously, I only have 20 credits out of 2,000. I am certain now that I am not getting in.
Saturday Hallie and Mike are taking me to Canada. It will be my first time there. I know it will be fun, but I am afraid of going i the tunnel. But I figure the tunnel is better than the bridge.
Anyway that is what I have been doing the passed two weeks.
Your hair really does look great. You are going to be an awesome nursery leader! It's fun (and a little scary) to get your first calling. Don't worry about college; the Lord will take care of it. If He wants you to go to SVU, NOTHING will keep you out. If something else would be better for you then you'll be guided to it. You won't be let down.
Good advice Bettina. Don't worry Diamond, you didn't talk my ear off. Actually, I really love your questions....and your honest answers. See you Sunday!
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