Sunday, September 6, 2009

Having a testimony

Today in Relief Society we talked about being alone. It couldn't have been a better subject for me.

My testimony couldn't have come at a better time. Yes I said that right, I did not have a testimony until today.

When the missionaries came, I was at a low point in my life, so much so that I would believe anyone if they told me that there was a better life out there. I would have been Catholic if they came to me first. I didn't gain a testimony in church because I was dealing with a lot at home. I got baptized because I felt that I had to, not for the missionaries, but for me. I felt that the only thing I had was a belief that there had to be something better and nothing could get worse for me. I came to this school because I wanted to get away from all of the drama at home.

But today, during Relief Society, when all of the women bore their testimonies and I saw that I was different from most of them. I saw that I brought something here. I realized that this is where I belong. This is who I am. I can be different. I can be better. I can be anyone I want, not in the sense of I can be Brittany Jacobs, but in the sense of I can be a doctor or lawyer. I don't have to wallow in my misery; I can pick myself up. I don't have anything to prove to anyone.

For now on I am not the girl from Detroit Michigan trying to prove that I am not a statistic, or trying to hide who I am or where I am from. I am the girl whose parents are drug addicts and entire family have so many problems that there isn't enough paper in the world to describe. I am the girl who has no money and next to nothing in her dorm room an only 6 days worth of clothes. I am the girl who may not be the prettiest girl on planet Earth and definitely not the thinnest ( although I am eating healthy, at least I am trying to). I am a girl who got here with a 574 on her GED test and 19 on her ACTs. I am the girl with PCOS and psoriasis so bad she has to wear a wig that is now falling apart. I am the girl who was sexually abused as a child. And I am the girl with no lap top or phone.

But I am also the girl who loves life and knows where she is headed, well at least the directions. I am the girl who although has been through hell and back was and is able to pick myself up and dust myself off. So yes I belong here and am happy to finally realize this and truly know that I am a child of God and there is a plan for me.

I am also the girl who knows when she talks to much, so goodbye for now.


beth said...

I'm so glad your testimony is growing and you are finding out who you are. What an exciting time of life!

Aimee said...

I'm glad to hear that your testimony is developing and that school is going well!