I realized yesterday that we have six months before we hear from the prophet, his counselors, the apostles, the seventy, and other authorities of the church.
Monday, the day after General Conference, I went to the Book of Mormon Institute class and Elder Cochran told us that we all should read our notes that we made from General Conference everyday and try to apply them to our lives and then live them. This got me thinking about everything.
So I decided that I could do even better. What if I chose six talks that I can relate to and apply them to my life and live them or get rid of them?
But there are about 26 talks that I would have to go through and choose only six to live by? Yes, I know that was very hard for me so I am going one month at a time.
This month I am doing Elder L. Whitney Clayton's talk on burdens. I realized that there are some problems in my life that have become burdens and it is hard to be going through college with stupid burdens that I do not need. Some of the burdens are a result of my stupidity and others were caused by others. In any case they need to be gone and this is the best action to get them out of my life. If I just continue to be acted upon nothing will get accomplished-Elder Cochran taught me that.
I chose some very cool and informative ways to go about doing this talk:
For a week I will spend writing scriptures about burdens, grief, suffering, tribulations, and three other types of scriptures. I chose to look in the topical guide and choose the scriptures that were mentioned. This is going to be a test for me because I have a hard time keeping at this type of thing, However, I am so determined to do this that I know it will get done. I feel that it will help me because I will read about all of the people in the Bible and Book of Mormon that have went through things and made it out. It will be harder than just writing down word for word what happened and what was said. I will actually write how each thing makes me feel and how I can apply that to my life
The next week I will research seven talks on burdens. This will help me to see and feel what people felt and learn how they dealt with burdens and how they got over them.
The following week I will ponder what I have learned and continuously ask Heavenly Father if there is anything else I must learn in order to get these pesky little, and one huge, burden out of my way.
The very last week I will see if I can actually give a talk on burdens; however, if it doesn't work out I will listen to hymns and continue to ask Heavenly Father if there is anything else I should know.
I have a problem with feeling the spirit and I know that it will help me out a lot to do it this way. It will help me to know that the spirit is with me and that I am worthy of such a marvelous thing.
My test to you is to try this out for yourself and see if it helps you. You do not have to do yours the exact way I am doing mine, you don't even have to do yours on burdens. It doesn't even have to be for the six months, just try it out.
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