Monday, March 21, 2011


All I have been able to think about (when I am not thinking about being in physical pain and having a stupid cold) is the recent disasters going on over seas. A couple of weeks before I left SVU in class we talked about how people usually feel sadness for a short time when another country is hurt (not having anything to do with war). Well that does not pertain to me. Seeing all of the death tolls rising in Japan just makes me want to cry. My mother always said that I was the most sensitive child she has ever known.

Why Japan? Why did the tsunami hit and where did the earthquake come from? Poor Hawaii. It was a miracle that most people had already moved to higher land. Then out of no where a nuclear plant is in trouble?

Now the United Nations issues a no-fly zone over Libya? Really? That's all you care about? Fighting Libya when Japan needs all the prayers they can get. Come on people. That is only going to lead to more death tolls. That is the last thing we need. Japan is predicting 18, 000 deaths and you want to go start another war.

I don't know all of the details- of the no-fly zone. I read about some rebels. But that's not the point. I am not into politics. That is not why I am writing.

I am writing because it just doesn't make since to me- the deaths. I believe in Heavenly Father. I trust in Him. I know that these innocent people are returning to Him. But I just cannot stop thinking about the children (both in Japan and in Libya).

No one that I have spoken to, about Libya, seems to care and if they do care it is directed at President Obama. I don't care who is to blame (the rebels or the United Nations- it was not just the U.S. President's decision) all I care about is the end result. No. I am not thinking about we need a win... I am thinking about death. Because that's all it adds up to. Libya, USA, France and any one else will lose people. Every one is fighting for something.

Japan is fighting for survival. Libya is fighting for power. The United States of America and France are fighting for stability. And every one will lose. Japan is already losing 18,000 people. Libya is losing their people. The United States of America and France are losing supporters.

Now do not get me wrong I believe in my military. I just don't believe in attacking unless being attacked or we are positive that there is an imminent threat to Americans lives.

I just cannot fathom people being fatherless, motherless, or childless. And that is just what's going on. Yes I guess my mother is right I am just too sensitive.


Hallie Owens said...

I agree with you 100%

Mike Owens said...

Diamond, I don't think you are being too sensitive. The tragedies that are going on are definitely difficult to understand. I have heard people of faith give different explanations for why these events have taken place and why all these people have suffered, and I don't always agree with what they say. While I am not sure what God's role is in these horrible disasters, I do know that He works by natural law. He made the laws that rule the universe, and being perfect, He is bound to uphold those laws perfectly (see Alma 42). The same tectonic forces that build continents sometimes destroy them as well. The same free will that we might use to do good can be used by evil men to cause others to suffer. I do believe that in the end things work out. That is part of what faith is for: it gives us that anchor to hold on to when things are unfair, that expectation that things will eventually be set aright. In the mean time, I also remember that God needs us to be His hands here on the earth. You have the right and the ability to protest injustice and advocate for mercy. You never know how something you might say or do will influence others to do the good they need to. By writing this post, you send some good out into the world that might encourage others to do some good themselves!