Monday, June 4, 2012


My preparation day is actually on Monday; however, because of Memorial Day weekend last week our preparation day was Wednesday. Anyway life is crazy here. We are always so busy- which is a good thing- and never have time to eat! We always eat snacks to get by. Our area is so big that in one day we drive 50 miles to our appointments, etc. We have to visit members in both of our wards each day (our wards are huge) and our wards are on polar opposite areas of our mission (Mount Vernon family ward and Potomac mid-singles ward). But it is okay because we usually get referrals from them. Today, our preparation day, my companion loves to hang out with our zone- which has zone sports on p-day- but we have some sisters that bike in our zone so we had to take them to and from our sports. So when you get your letter and the writing is awful it's because I wrote everyone while I was either in the car riding or in between games.
We are having a hard time with investigators (the good people usually have to go for weeks at a time on business trips and when they get back they are no longer interested in listening to our message and the other people that we teach DO NOT like to keep commitments and cancel appointments). It is so frustrating. However, the most amazing thing happened to us while teaching. We felt prompted to go to this specific apartment building and apartment number so we did. There was a man and his son actually leaving so we thought that maybe we should come back later. But we felt that we needed to talk to them. Well, they are from Africa and ONLY speak French! Sister Olsen insisted that I speak to them even though I do not speak French well and I do not know how to speak French very well. But I opened up the scriptures- we just so happen to have one French copy of the Book of Mormon- to Mosiah 18 8-11 (weird) and I read it to them as best as I could. I bore my testimony and now they want to meet with the missionaries! Unfortunately, the apartment is not in our area so we had to pass them off to the senior couple missionaries who speak French. But it was a wonderful experience. Heavenly Father really does prepare people to hear His message.
Oh another awesome thing happened today. Me and my companion were in Wal-mart stocking up on food- that we will never have time to eat- and this man walks write up to us and tells us that he is a member of our church (using sign language that my companion knows) and then he tells us that he will pay for our food! He is the Branch President of the D.C. Hearing Impaired Ward. He is a convert of 5 years and loves missionary work. That is just awesome.
I have to go but I love you and miss you all. Thanks for helping out and also for being awesome. If you have a chance can you let Elders Lara, Buckley, and Stubbs know how amazing they are and how grateful I am for having this gospel in my life and how much it has changed/ helped me. Thanks.

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