Monday, October 1, 2012

Transfers and Baptisms

This week has been a crazy week. On Tuesday I got a phone call telling me that I would be transferred; however, Wednesday morning I got the phone call that I was staying with Sister Anderson in Mount Vernon for another 6 weeks! I am both excited and nervous. So far things are great. We are having a baptism this Saturday in between the second session of General Conference and the Priesthood session. Terence is getting baptized into the Potomac Mid-single’s Ward! He is great. He has a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon and Jesus Christ. He was raised Jewish so Christianity is totally new to him. He is such a great man. We are still working on Joseph Smith. He is so great. We also have two other baptisms coming up: David on October 21st and Rob on November 3rd - both in Potomac - and I cannot wait.
                With the upcoming General Conference my mind is full of thoughts on what I need. I am so excited! I cannot wait to see the prophet’s face and hear what guidance these wonderful men and women have for me and for my investigators. I am pumped! I have been bearing my testimony of the prophet and the priesthood; it is so nice to actually witness them for myself and get that recharge. Mentally and spiritually I am I am a bit overwhelmed with my task of bringing souls unto Christ. I recognize how much I truly am a servant of the Lord and how much people look at me as a “visual” of what the church is. I have had a few people come to me and say how great I am and that they light of Christ radiates off of me. That’s scary! I am happy that I am a missionary; there is very few ways to get in trouble, and not just a normal member walking around Detroit. It is also so great to see the investigators that I am teaching tell me how great we are and how much we are changing people’s lives.
                I am so happy to stay in my area and teach people! It is so wonderful to really see the fruits of my labor. The baptisms are great but I just love talking to people and testifying to them. It’s great, and scary, and awesome. I love it. But I am not just happy that I am baptizing people. That’s not what matters. What matters is that we are changing people’s lives! Whether they know it or not, once they have met a missionary and spoken to them for a few seconds their thoughts about members change. You cannot talk to a missionary about Heavenly Father, the Savior, the Plan of Salvation, or the Restoration of the church and not be changed! I have noticed that. When I bear my testimony of something to someone on the street I can literally see their wheel’s turn in the back of their head and even if they say they are not interested, I know that I planted a seed. Maybe they will run into a member or another missionary but they will not forget what they felt when I bore my testimony. I never knew the power of bearing one’s testimony until my mission. It is such an amazing thing. I love it.

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