I figured that you all should know what my life was like for 2008 (trust me it's not all that terrific or cool, so feel free to see someone else more fascinating blog.)
while reading The Owens blog of their review of 2008. I realized that most of my life has been gone down the drain. I have spent most of 2008 either in conclusion because of depression or in conclusion because there was nothing for me to do. either way I was in conclusion for all of 2008 up to Sept. when I met the missionaries. Everyone has these great stories of what there families have done in 2008 and I have only a few stories.
In 2008 I got baptized into the church (Don't get me wrong I am not belittling that. It was a major accomplishment which has in turned changed my life. I am only saying that is one of a few things that happened to me).
1. I decided to study to take my GED( Mike Owens you won't believe it but I took the post GED test in the back of the GED book and my average score is 536!
2. I celebrated my 18Th birthday with my family by going to Jeepers ( I wanted to be a kid for my last day of childhood).
3. I went to some great places with the Owens ( Henry Ford museum and the Macy's 2ND Monday to name a few) and that's about it.
How amazing is that? ( a joke )
I now know that I spent precious time being depressed as appose to living my life. I wish I hadn't because I am sure there are much better things I could have done.
I thank the church and everyone I have met because none of the most amazing things would not have happened if it weren't for getting baptized: like really studying to take my GED or hanging out with everyone and realizing how much I have been throwing away my life.
So here's is to the New Year of me being a better person and truly no longer being depressed!
Thanks again latter-day saints. You truly are saints to me.
Sounds like an eventful year to me. You've accomplished a lot (baptism and GED prep are BIG deals). Teenagers aren't supposed to be insanely busy like us older folk. Enjoy it while it lasts :)
Thanks. You made me smile.
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