Monday, October 15, 2012

Transfers and a Difficult Week

This week has been a stressful week. On Sunday night we received the phone call saying that I would be transferred to Fredericksburg. I am now in the Aquia Ward (actually in Stafford, Virginia- not Fredericksburg). The ward is so wonderful! Everyone is super nice and friendly. The members are amazing. They constantly give us referrals and feed us like crazy. I love it. There are tons of government people here (military, department of defense contractors, FBI, doctors, nurses, etc). It is so cool. We have not gone tracting at all since I have been here because there are so many members giving us referrals. I love it so much. However, I and my companion are working a lot on unity. We are different in many ways. She is; however, a rarity here: She is a convert of nine years, older sister (28), and is from Texas! So the members and investigators love her. This means that I do not get to talk much, so I am trying to work on that with her. I am so nervous though to see her leave because I think that it would be hard to take over this area because the people love her so much.

I miss Mount Vernon so much. I miss the people that I was teaching, the area and the members. It is so hard but I am trying. I hope transferring to a new area doesn't feel like this every time. Missionary work is hard and I don’t feel like I can do this for a year. It’s not the teaching that’s hard or the finding people to teach; it’s dealing with companions. I have never been the person who needs to hang out with people. I have always enjoyed working alone and doing things by myself. I understand that I am new into the area but that doesn't mean that I don’t know how to teach the Plan of Salvation or the First Vision to people. I did teach other people before. I’m not stupid. I am worthy to have the Spirit with me so I can pray for and receive the Spirit of discernment just like anyone else.

I do not know why I am not so happy with things. It’s not that I want to go back to Mount Vernon. Like I said I love the members and the area here (it is so much better than Mount Vernon in getting referrals and people being nice) I just want to feel like I am needed.

Sorry all of the past months letters are such a downer. I really am happy to be a missionary. I do love to bear my testimony to people about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I do love telling people that they have a Father in Heaven who loves them so very much. That part is so great. 

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