Monday, May 7, 2012

First Impressions of the MTC

I am here in the MTC. Unfortunately I just found out from the Bishop that we can only email family so I cannot email my branch but I will send letters! The MTC is awesome. I really love it here. I just got back from the Provo Temple. I did endowments for a woman from the Netherlands. The temple is beautiful on the inside.

My first five days with Kaili as a missionary was great. She really was my companion (although we did not sleep in the same room). She was a trooper getting up at 6:30am with me and going to bed at 10:30pm. I went shopping and got some cute skirts. They also took me to really nice restaurants and them Kaili drove me to the Manti temple and we did baptisms for the dead! They live about 2 1/2 hours from that temple so that was really nice of her. The temple is out in the middle of nowhere but it really does look amazing both on the outside and the inside. It sits on this hill and just looks amazing.

I went into the MTC on Wednesday and from the beginning there was no relaxing. I got my badge and then it was off to meet my companion and then off to start training. Sister Julia Jeppsen is from Las Vegas Nevada (Henderson area) and she is amazing. There really is this amazing Spirit that she has. Since being here we have already taught two investigators (our teachers but they really do play the role). It was amazing. We get to teach other investigators on Tuesday (three investigators who will be ours for the duration of our training in the MTC). They are not LDS but they are actors. Some people have ended up really getting baptized afterwards (this is the pilot program that I wrote you about). We are they very first ones to do this since they have changed it.

The food here is awesome. Our district is awesome. Our zone is awesome. Our Branch (which is our zone and the Branch Presidency is awesome). I just love it here. I have such wonderful roommates.  oloveyou.

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