Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Craziness of a Week

Mary got baptized on Tuesday and was confirmed a member of the church on Sunday. Elder Anderson baptized her and her husband confirmed her a member (in Twi- Ghanaian language). It was fantastic. We all were crying. It was so fantastic.

On Friday me, Sister Anderson, and Sister Richardson took our investigator Hawa and her daughter to the temple visitor's center. It was great. She really enjoyed it and said that her mother would enjoy it as well. So fantastic.

While we were there I saw an old friend from SVU. His name is Jarom, he was wearing a suit and I almost did not recognize him. Then I saw my other friend Tiffany (Tiffy) who he had been dating when we were all at SVU. Well long story short, they had just gotten married for time and all eternity in the Temple! She had a on a lovely white wedding dress and just looked so beautiful. Such a wonderful tender mercy.

On Monday the Maygrens took us to DC! It was crazy. The summer the craziest time to go. There were so many tourists there but it was great. We went to the White house, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, World War II Memorial, Korean War Memorial, and the Vietnam Memorial. It was awesome. We had dinner at Matchbox (yummy pizza). Then we headed home to clean, shop, and prepare for our lesson with Annie.

Sorry for the short post. Life is grand.

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