Tuesday, September 4, 2012

This Week

Sorry that you haven't received a letter in a while. Things are so crazy on Preparation Days. I hope that I can get a letter out on next week. I talked to President Riggs and he has been really helpful with me and things that are going on. I am so happy to be here on my mission. Our teaching pool is low but hopefully we can get more investigators. Things are crazy. We are tracting a lot so hopefully something good comes out of it.

My mom wrote me and talked to me about everything that is going on there. So I am not worried about them as much. Things are great though. It all will work out. I am just trying to be strong and deal with it. It is tough though, I am trying to learn/ understand why Heavenly Father called me on a mission when I cannot even help my family. All I can do is pray.

Thank you so much for the Birthday Package! That really meant a lot to me. Me and my companion love the Lower Lights CD. It is our favorite. We put it on whenever we have a bad experience or an investigator cancels. It is so groovy. And of course thanks so much for the cards and the stamps. I hope your week is going great. Can you tell people to write me? I love letters.

Anyways thank you for your love and your support. I really appreciate it so much. It is so easy to give up and call it quits but I am staying strong for you all and the other people who I know are on my side.

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